Waiting for Rider
Waiting for Rider
Where the Hell
Where the Hell
House Cubbie
House Cubbie
The Candidate
The Candidate
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Michael Martinez
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Michael Archuleta
Michael was born in Embudo, New Mexico on March 25,1969. He earned a Bachelors degree with an emphasis in art and business at the University of New Mexico in 1997. Michael has never had any formal training in art other than through his course of study while attending University. Michael began painting seriously in the spring of 2005. The creation of a character called, "Blue Donkey", and the idea of having him in every home looking after the daughter that he hasn't seen in 3 years. Through this "Blue Donkey", an idea for a children's book has developed. Michael is driven by an inner anguish and an incredible amount of energy. In his first year of selling art, he sold over 200 paintings.

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All artwork featured at this web site is copyright of the respective artists. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
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